<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Construction of toy Mema</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>3 and 4 period</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>During this lesson the children make their toys, and we shall name them Mema.</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>It is necessary that every child has:</font>
- 9 matchboxes, - colored in 9 different colors, - and sticked together becoming a chest of drawers.
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Comment for the teacher</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>The purpose of Mema is to understand how a computer work. The terms they will encounter are the basic terms of programming, regardless on which computer or which programming language is used.</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Assignment:</font> <font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>To make a MEMA (picture 1)</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Picture 1. The toy named Mema</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>During this lesson the children make their Memas.</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>This is done so, that they stick together the matchboxes and color the drawers (all Memas in same colors).</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>Side face of Mema may be wrapped with paper and decorated by drawings.</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit> Comment : Children need for next lesson their Mema and a handful of beens.</font>
<font inherit/arial,sans-serif;;inherit;;inherit>During making Memas, the teacher gives the instructions for making Memas, and may mention the terms like hardware, memory, compatibility…</font>